So I've been off work for the past two days, hence my absense from the blog. I've tested three times with the same result each time being a BFN. I used a FRER and even morning urine and still negative, not even an evap line to obsess over. I know it's early but as I've stated
9 dpo is a turning point in my cycle when I start to lose hope. I did get a positive with Jace at 8 dpo, why not this time right?
I'm insane, but that's what TTC does after almost a year. It makes you insane lol. Here is my "bfp" at 8dpo with Jace 2/21/2011 (A real squinter huh?)
and then at 9 dpo:
Right now I'm 10dpo and I'm waiting until tomorrow (11dpo) to test again. I won't test until the afternoon time though and best believe my fingers and toes are crossed! That is all!
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