Friday, December 14, 2012

My heart is heavy today..

and I'm praying for the familes who lost loved ones today.

 20 precious innocent babies were murdered today by an armed man who entered the Connecticut elementary school. 6 others were also pronounced dead bringing the total to 26 victims. My heart is aching for these familes right now and the thought of losing a child that young (all were between 5-10 years old) makes me sick to my stomach. Any person that is capable of that kind of evil act needs to kill theirself (he did that already)..I just wish he didn't take the easy way out that way he could by committing suicide and that he could suffer like his victims and their familes did. I can't believe right before Christmas all these familes have lost their loved ones. When I heard this news I hugged my son tight and kissed his forhead. I hate all the violence in the world we live in those babies didn't deserve that. They had their whole life ahead of them and it was cut short because of some deranged psycho. It's just sad, very sad. :*(

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