Saturday, December 22, 2012

Game over, cycle day 1

Yesterday I worked the morning shift and I was so exhausted after getting only 4 hours sleep the night before. I can only remember the evening in spurts I was so disoriented from being sleep deprived that I eventually fell asleep and left J and DH to fend for themselves for the night. Apparently my son had another plan for us last night! He just started walking really well without falling the last two days and he decided he wanted to play and stay awake until 3am. I woke up at 4am for work and felt crampy and awful and then aunt flow reared her ugly head. I'm actually quite relieved because I was on the brink of insanity during my 2ww. I wasted about $50.00 easily on tests!! I swear I will never do this again now I feel like an ass because aunt flow is here. So today marks the first day of our 5th cycle trying to conceive. Off to amazon to order my bbt and my monthly opks!

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