Thursday, June 27, 2013


I'm totally guilty. Guilty of forgeting to take my temp this morning during my morning routine. Then I got my schedule mixed up and came to work bright and early at 5:45am when I wasn't scheduled until 2pm. It wouldn't be a problem except for my job is so far from home (a 25 minute drive). So that's the type of day I'm having, one of those days! The next week is going to be a BD-fest because I'll be O'ing between CD 13-17 and I'm currently CD 9. Sperm meets egg plan is so exhausting and I've been super sick as well so my temps are wonky. I'm taking a break and eating whatever for this cycle, I figure If I'm pregnant I won't want to risk doing any damage down there by exercising! My preconception apt is around 12 DPO sp *hopefully* I will find out some good news! Signing off for now, Happy Thursday!

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