Wednesday, January 2, 2013

More water please!

I think one of the most important components of healthy living and losing weight is drinking lots of water. I am now making a conscious effort to drink my 8-10 glasses a day, I actually brought a gallon of water to work today just as a reminder to keep chugging lol. As of today I am banning myself from soda and juice, it's not worth the calories and soda is so bad for you! I'm going to try my best and stay strong, I'd hate to ruin all the progress I've made this far. I have a date with hubby planned for this weekend and we're going bowling and out to a local bar for a drink and some food. I have no idea what food I will get but I will more than likely drink water. I'm weighing in every Sunday and at my last weigh in I was 156. I'm starting Leslie Sansone's walking cardio shape up Thursday or Friday so hopefully that will burn whatever I eat on our date. I'll probably update here again later..Happy hump day!

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