Friday, February 7, 2014

Fit momma turned fat

It's been awhile fellow bloggers! I am currently 29 weeks pregnant with my second child, a baby girl (whom we haven't decided on her name yet) and I've been so bad this pregnancy! I started out at 154lbs. and I'm now at 182lbs. which is a 28 pound weight gain with 11 weeks to go still!! I am going to just eat whatever I want and enjoy my pregnancy and worry about it later. I've lost over 50 pounds after having my son so I know I have it in me to lose the weight. I plan to blog more often now that I'm approaching the end of my pregnancy. I had my baby shower this past Saturday and it was so much fun! I'm home on modified bed rest and I'm not allowed to exercise since my pregnancy is high risk so I've been so bored. It has been nice spending so much extra time with my son though. I haven't posted any baby belly pictures for this pregnancy on here so I will post one next week at 30 weeks so you can see how massive I really am haha. Signing off for now bloggies. XOX

Sunday, November 17, 2013

I haven't updated in a while! We know gender!

So I've been super busy and haven't updated in awhile but we did an elective gender scan last week (16 weeks) and we now know gender!! Baby is a GIRL!!! I'm so happy to have one of each :) Baby girl clothes are so much more fun than boy clothes.

Tuesday, August 13, 2013

BFP part deux- Rainbow after the storm

Well I retested with a FRER and got a very clear BFP!!! I'm completely shocked. We only had sex 3-4 days before O and that was IT! I didn't have any symptoms and quit temping halfway through because I was convinced I was out. I really hope everyting will be alright this time around. I have an appointment tomorrow with my OB and I know he'll order a beta and they mentioned giving me an ultrasound which I really don't understand because it's so early. I haven't even "missed" my period yet (AF is due Friday) but I'm sure she won't be arriving. I'm only about 3W4D according to my LMP and my estimated due date is 4-25-14 (my birthday is the next day). This is the best present ever! Praying for good news tomorrow. I'm getting my rainbow after the storm possibly, and I'm elated!

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Rainbow baby?

So yesterday morning (10 days past positive OPK and 8-9 DPO) I tested and thought I saw the faintest line but chalked it up to me having line eye. Line eye is what most hopeful TTC women get when they *so* want to get that BFP that eyes play tricks on you and you think you see something when in reality there's nothing there. So back to testing, I decided to test later in the afternoon and held my pee for 4 hours and tested with another cheapie and there was another faint line, which DH and several internet buddies confirmed. So I tested one more time and there was a for sure super light pink line. What does this mean? I tested AGAIN (yes I'm a POAS addict and proud of it lol) with a blue dye CVS brand that says to test 5 days before your period and it was negative (my period is due in 5 days as of today so I'm super early). So I'm assuming the wondofo cheapies are very sensitive! I'm calling it a BFP for now because I tested again this morning and there was a faint line there yet again! I'm calling my doctor first thing Monday morning to get a blood test and hopefully they will do another beta to check the numbers are rising properly. Well blogger friends, I think my dreams may come true and I may actually get my rainbow baby. Please pray this baby sticks and I can have a happy and healthy 9 months.

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Cycle 3- Waiting to O

So I'm now on my third cycle trying for #2. Some things I'll be doing this cycle:

-OPKS (no positive yet)

I decided against SMEP for this cycle although our schedule is very similar. I'm cycle day 10 and waiting to ovulate. Waiting, waiting, and waiting some more, BOO! Happy Sunday!

Saturday, July 20, 2013

Cycle 3.

Well, AF showed and I'm on to cycle 3 of TTC. Please let this be it! I'm charting/temping using opks and possibly preseed. Stay tuned!

Friday, July 5, 2013

We meet again; 2WW saga

       Welcome to the 2WW where you commence to pee on sticks and analyze HPT's way too early, obsess over if you could be pregnant or not, and potentially lose your mind from the uncertainty of it all!

Well, here I am and I'm actually feeling very positive about this cycle because our timing was great! We followed SMEP and BD every other day starting cycle day 7 and everyday starting cycle day 9 sometimes even twice a day! I usually will only DTD one day after the positive OPK but we're not stopping until 3 DPO! So far I'm not feeling anything (obviously) and I'm hoping for the best! I'm testing early at 8 DPO so stay tuned for some early pee stick pictures! Happy Friday!